Course duration - 1 day

Target audience: top managers, heads of departments, heads of design, technological and production services, engineers, researchers, scientists, and other specialists involved in solving innovative problems.

Purpose of the course. Acquaintance with the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) and its possibilities, acquisition of primary skills of directed (algorithmic) setting and solving innovative and other non-trivial problems.

Course Content:

  • History of emergence and development of TRIZ;
  • Modern economics and relevance of TRIZ use;
  • Possibilities and limitations of TRIZ. Usage experience;
  • TRIZ structure;
  • Basic concepts of TRIZ and the importance of the correct formulation of the problem;
  • The ideal end result, as a method of setting a problem;
  • Conflicts. Setting and solving problems through the construction of models of conflicts;
  • Acquisition of primary skills in applying TRIZ to solve one's own problems.

It is desirable that each student comes to class with their own non-trivial unsolved problem.

Each student receives a set of supporting information materials.

Based on the results of the course, an International Certificate of IITB is issued.

Course duration - 5 days

Target audience: heads of departments, engineers, researchers, scientists, and other specialists in design, technology, production, etc. services involved in solving innovative problems of their companies.

Purpose of the course. Studying the foundations of the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ). Development of skills of system-flow, dialectical, functional thinking with the development of algorithms that provide access to such a statement of the problem, which significantly reduces the number of options to be sorted out when searching for its solution and directs to understanding the most powerful of them, which allows solving the problems of innovative development as efficiently as possible.

Course content

  • From trial and error to directed search. History of emergence and development of TRIZ.
  • Modern economics and relevance of TRIZ use.
  • TRIZ capabilities and experience of its application.
  • TRIZ structure, its postulates, tools and information funds.
  • Systemic and functional approaches to the problem. The importance of its "correct" setting. "Parameter field" as a graphic basis for system analysis of the problem.
  • The laws of system development, why you need to know them.
  • Rules for formulating functions in TRIZ, why exactly. Their application in the formulation and solution of individual problems. Functional search for resources.
  • Processes and threads, how to work with them. Stream model of interactions.
  • Causal modeling as a method of problem refinement.
  • Setting goals for complex improvement of objects and processes. Functional cost analysis with trimming. Its implementation in the enterprise. Stages of work and models.
  • Principles of choice of conceptual directions of system development.
  • Limitations of the creative process and the fight against them.
  • The development of controlled creative imagination as a way to remove one of the limitations of the creative process.
  • The ideal end result and how it makes finding the answer easier.
  • Su-field analysis and standards for solving inventive problems. From sufield to alice and from alice to a refined problem and parametric resource search.
  • Conflicts and their models: from a conflicting pair to a contradiction of requirements and a paradox - ways to find solutions.
  • The most used TRIZ algorithms. Algorithm for solving engineering problems.
  • Algorithm for solving inventive problems (ARIZ) — acquaintance.
  • Creative personality and its development in TRIZ. criteria for a worthy goal.
  • Development of creative teams. View from the position of TRIZ.
  • Individual and collective work of students to solve their real problems.

It is necessary that each student prepares in advance his own non-trivial task for working out the course materials on it (previously sent to the organizers).

Each student receives a set of supporting information materials.

Based on the results of the course, an International Certificate of IITB is issued.

Course duration - 1 day

Target audience: business owners, top managers, heads of departments, heads of design, technology and production services, engineers, researchers, scientists, and other specialists involved in solving innovative problems.

Purpose of the course. Mastering the basics of managing innovative projects using the P2M methodology.

Course Content:

  1.  The innovative strategy of an organization is a key element in the development of competitiveness in modern conditions. P2M innovation project management standard.

  2.  The difference is in the approach to managing projects and programs of P2M and PMBoK. The essence of P2M, the application of future scenarios and the vision of the mission. Human capital and creative asset of the organization, a platform for change (organization as a platform).

  3.  Model of innovative development, innovative concepts of project management, features of innovative project management, innovations in program management.

  4.  Stages of implementation of P2M projects: Development of the problem (substantiation of the problem, goal setting, presentation of the project mission, development of a preliminary project plan, project organization). Opportunity analysis (assessment of availability of resources, selection of methods, assessment of the need for resources, definition of the role model, assignment of employees and distribution of tasks). Implementation (implementation of the project in the organization, control of work execution). Correction (change and improvement in the organization and supply of the project, analysis of the achieved intermediate results). Implementation of the final project (application in the organization of the final product of the project with all the improvements and changes). Exit from the project (exit of the project from the system, analysis of the results obtained in accordance with the stated goals, analysis of errors, analysis of the achieved effects).

Based on the results of the course, an International Certificate of IITB is issued.


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